

I wrote this saying to get across how important appreciation is to a person’s soul, their emotional health, and well-being, and how they live their life.

When was the last time you were appreciated?  When was the last time you were told… I love you, I’m proud of you or I appreciate you?

How many… Divorces have there been? Key employees switch jobs? Drug addicts and alcoholics created? Kids joining gangs? because they never heard… I love you, I’m proud of you or I appreciate you?

The late, great, Maya Angelou said,

“Remember that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them FEEL!

I came up with 8 steps to sharing appreciation to show how increasing appreciation, will appreciate your life, called the Appreci-8. (thanks go to my friend Amy Wong for the awesome title).



The most fundamental need we have is to be listened to, to be heard. The old cliche “we are given 2 ears and 1 mouth so we can listen twice as much as we talk”. Those who are good listeners are revered as great conversationalists.


Don’t be dictated to by commercialism…Birthdays, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, to feel forced and obligated at those times only to show your appreciation. Do it at every opportunity so it is much more powerful to the spirit and memories are created too. That will make you and the recipient feel really good.


Sincerity is so important. Insincerity can be smelled from miles away and will cause permanent damage to the relationship.


Taking every opportunity to thank someone (again sincerely), is a key part of appreciation. Don’t take things for granted. Send a thank you card. I sent one to my new dentist and the next time I saw her she had put it on the reception desk counter for all to see. Others will never throw the card away. Thanking more will bank you a better relationship, more friendships and in a lot of instances, more money too.


You need to be your own best friend. Nobody spends more time with you than you!  Exercise, eat healthily, Treat yourself occasionally to a new piece of clothing, a massage, a spa session, a slap-up meal, a movie, and my favorite…an ice cream, gelato a piece of cheesecake, or a chocolate bar. Reward yourself for hitting a personal goal. Whatever it is that makes you feel good. As the song says…” learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all!”


When someone comes into your head out of the blue there is a reason for that. Pick up your phone and make contact or send a text or email. They will appreciate it.


Appreciate what you have in your life, not just material things, but most importantly, health, love, family, and relationships. Life isn’t all about money. There are plenty of miserable rich people out there. Every night before you go to sleep say thanks for shelter, a warm bed in a warm house, being pain-free, my eyesight, hearing, sense of smell, ability to taste, my appetite, that you can feel, touch, grip, and hold, that you can talk, suck and swallow, that you can walk, stand, to sit, run and lie down. That you have a job and a car, that you live in a peaceful and free country where I can be who you want to be and do what you want to do. Losing just one of these things would affect your life immensely, wouldn’t it?

Finally, say thanks for all the food and drink you received that day and for your parents, your wife, husband or partner, and children. (if you have)

It takes about 20 seconds to go through everything (I know as I do it every night myself) and you will fall asleep with an attitude of gratitude. Try it.


If you appreciate and thank more at every opportunity, on a daily basis, I guarantee your negative thoughts will disappear, others will love you for it and your confidence will grow as a person.